Friday, March 20, 2009

A Glimpse Of The Sublime

The above painting, "Solitary Camp," is one I did and felt inspired while doing it and was pleased with the way it turned out. It is not always the case.

There are times when I paint and paint and nothing seems to work. What I envision is not what my hands can translate onto the canvas. Try as I will I cannot summon the muse and the painting turns out simply ordinary.

But then, quite by accident it seems, something extraordinary happens and it all falls into place. I am inspired by what I am putting on canvas and am totally in the moment, almost giddy. It is these times that persuade me to keep returning to the easel; I simply must paint, nothing else will suffice. I have forgotten the times I wanted to quit for good or thought the muse had abandoned me forever.

And if luck is with me, I can remember something of the moment and utilize what I learned on future works. Call it learning or muscle memory but it serves to inspire me to continue pursuing this passion, this obsession. The muse has not abandoned me after all!

Just paint it!

1 comment:

  1. Richard, it is good to see you writing again and combined with art! You may have hit on a winning combination. I wish I had the focus you have. Yes it may be another "enthusiasm " but you have come back to it. I also have viewed your Photos on Flickr. You have an eye for the art and a mind for the evaluation. Go Art Guerrilla!
