Friday, April 10, 2009

What Matters Art?

Aspen by Richard Edde

In today's hectic world filled with the anxieties and frustrations of earning a living, raising children, worrying about our 401k's, where the terrorists will strike again, does art play a meaningful role? What purpose does art serve when we are confronted with the very terrifying and confusing world in which we live? When our malls and sports arenas are filled with more people than our museums and concert halls has the appreciation of art become an unnecessary part of our lives?

Do we really need art today? I think we do.

I believe art matters because it is universal, non-material, transcendent. Art matters because it deals with daily experience in a transforming way; art questions the way we view the world and offers a unique perspective apart from the status quo explanations we hear at work or on the news. Art matters because looking at a beautiful painting or sculpture gives us an experience that nothing else can. Not only can it make us feel good, it can provoke, excite, soothe, and inspire.

This is not an escapist experience, but restorative. Art gives our eyes and mind a chance to rest, to think, to muse. Looking at art we reconnect with our inner spirit, a spirit that is rich in feelings, thoughts, and dreams. Beauty, in whatever form it takes, soothes the soul.

If you doubt this is true, go visit your nearest museum, immerse yourself in beauty, and feel your soul restored.

Just paint it!

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